What we do
We create attractive mosaic art, framed and delivered to your location. The mosaic doesn't just passively sit on your walls as eye candy, it can also be interactively scanned by your visitors with a QR app on their smartphone, leading them to your website!
Since the QR image has recently become a recognizable pattern of shapes, most visitors will instinctively identify the mosaic pattern as a QR code and, led by curiosity, reach for their smartphone. They will select a QR reader app and scan the image, leading them to your website or another website of your choice. This will leave the visitor with an interactive and memorable experience of your office or home. You can add an instruction label to the frame, such as "please scan", though this should not be necessary since the QR code is such a recognizable entity.
There are two ways to purchase a QR Mosaic:
Premade mosaics
There is a selection of premade QR mosaics for your to choose from. It doesn't matter that your choice of website is not coded directly in the QR image at the time of production, any premade mosaic can be redirected to your website at any time by QR Mosaics. Once you purchase a mosaic, just let us know and we will redirect the link to your website of choice. All you will need to do is demonstrate you are the owner of that mosaic.
Premade mosaics are all given a unique name from a city or location in the Greek, Roman or Byzantine empires.
All premade mosaics come in a standard 25 x 25 tile QR code, with an additional strip of tiles in a border around the QR code.
The prices for a premade mosaic range from $190 NZD to $500 NZD depending on size and scanability.
Bespoke mosaics
You can also request a QR mosaic to be made to your requirements, perhaps to match your corporate colors or your decor. Features that can be selected in your design are:
The size of the tile, and consequentially the size of the overall QR mosaic,
The light-colored tiles,
The dark-colored tiles,
The border tiles around the edge. Typically this is the same as the light tiles but doesn't have to be,
The grout color. The grout is the mortar that fills the gaps between the tiles,
The color of the matboard. The matboard is the card that surrounds the mosaic and the frame,
The frame style.
Available on the Bespoke page are two tools to help you design the aesthetics of the mosaic:
A design tool that gives you a graphic representation of the tile, matboard, and frame choices you have made. The graphic image will update as you make the choices.
A generate tool that allows you to see what a full-sized mosaic will look like based on the selections you made in the design tool. An image of the mosaic will be generated (without the frame) and you can then determine if you have produced a good color combination for QR scanability. There is always a trade-off between aesthetics and functional scanability. If the tile colors are not sufficiently distinct, the scanability will reduce.
** Note, the generate tool is only available on the desktop version of the Bespoke page. It is not available on the mobile version.
You can also request additional features on a bespoke mosaic:
It is possible to incorporate a corporate logo into the center of a QR mosaic without reducing the scanability. This is possible because QR mosaics have built-in "redundancy" in the tiles. Some tiles are conveying the same information as other tiles, and the overall information is not reduced if they are obscured by a logo,
It is possible to "hard-code" your website URL into the mosaic. Once done it can never be redirected elsewhere. The advantage of this is that the visitor will immediately see the name of your website pop up on their QR reader prior to visiting the website. However, it is possible that this will increase the number of tiles required to convey your website URL.
Bespoke QR mosaics vary in price from $300 NZDto $700 NZD depending on size and content. I am happy to discuss your requirements and help you select a suitable design for your needs.